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Providing homes, not houses

Published on August 17, 2022

AS one of Tasmania’s largest
providers of NDIS supported
accommodation, OnTrack
Tasmania prides itself on
providing the highest quality
homes, which are fully
furnished and include modern
convivences like NBN, Netflix
and gaming consoles. 

“But that is the easy bit,”
OnTrack Tasmania Supported
Independent Living manager
Raf Patterson said.
“The hard work starts
with matching a participant
with the right location, right
support workers and the right

That hard work has paid
off for Ruby, 25, and Britney,
18, who now live together in
a beautiful, sun-filled home
in a central Hobart suburb,
supported by OnTrack

When Ruby and Britney talk
about their experiences living
together, the conversation is
filled with cheers and laughter.
As two young women who
are making their own path
in life, Ruby and Britney are
thriving on the newfound sense
of independence that OnTrack’s
support provides them.
Ruby said the pair’s favourite
things to do at home are
“be silly and play Uno”. 

they also enjoy going on
outings. together, including
recently attending Party in the
Apocalypse music festival in
Ruby and Britney also enjoy
going to the gym together,
joined by their Support
When Britney was asked
what sort of exercises she does
at the gym, she replied “getting
stuck on the bike!”, which led
to more contagious giggles. 

It’s obvious that Ruby
and Britney are not just
housemates. They’re the best
of friends, making memories
together from a home that is
filled with life and laughter. 

OnTrack Tasmania operates
more than 40 supported
accommodation properties
in southern Tasmania, all of
which are close to shops and
public transport.
To find out more about
OnTrack’s range of services,
phone 1800 ONTRACK
(1800 668 722).

Originally published in the Glenorchy Gazette. Republished with permission.